Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I gave in

I've been saying for a while now that I was going to wait for Ravelry to go live before I joined... but yesterday a fellow knitter and U2 fan and I were discussing the new groups function that can be seen on the Ravelry blog, and saying we should start a U2 group... Well, after kicking around some names and a few ideas, Molly (who is already on the site) started it and came up with a badge - Yarn (In The Name of Love) ;)

I started thinking about how it's only likely another 4-5 weeks (according to the blog) before they go live and I could wait... then Molly was saying there's already 11 people in the group, and how excited she was... Then I pondered for a while and said the heck with it - it will very likely go live before they get to my name on the waiting list, but I'm putting it there anyway *G*

I checked the "check where you are on the waiting list" function about 20 minutes ago, and this is what it said:

Found you!
You signed up on Today
You are #17637 on the list.
11559 people are ahead of you in line.
6 people are behind you in line.
33% of the list has been invited so far

(I'm actually more surprised that there are people behind me than the number of people in front of me *lol*)


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